Guida Stili Fotografici

guida agli stili fotografici per il vostro matrimonio

Se state organizzando il vostro matrimonio, sicuramente vi starete chiedendo quale stile fotografico scegliere. Per questo motivo abbiamo pensato di scrivere una semplice guida da regalarvi.

Volutamente sintetica e semplice da leggere, ricca di esempi e con un quiz finale per creare il vostro personalissimo stile fotografico.

Da diversi anni ci occupiamo di fotografia, e amiamo mettere a disposizione le nostre competenze per aiutare chi non è del settore.

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During our special day, Orazio managed to put us at ease as we are not a big fans of the camera. One thing we were concerned about was having a photorapher in our face all the time, but we were really impressed how well Orazio and his wife Maria fit in to the wedding and we didn’t even know we were getting our photos taken all that time. We couldn’t have been more relaxed thanks to Maria and Orazio. He gave us a lots of adivce and direction according to his experience. From day one we liked him as a person and as a professional photographer.We think that his architect eye gives him an another prospective and personal way of looking at things. The end result has exceeded our expectations and the surprise video was the cherry on the top of the cake! He really captured the love and captured how beautiful a day it was and just made the whole experience a breeze! We can’t thank him enough. It was wonderful to meet him, he has left a lasting memory with us. Thanking once again! Take care and regards
Le foto sono davvero belle, sei riuscito a rendere un’esperienza per me nuova divertente e affascinante. Mi piacciono i colori le inquadrature e i posti scelti! Hanno un qualcosa di magico e romantico al tempo stesso, davvero soddisfatto Orazio grazie mille!
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